Merciful 1
Merciful - Disc 1.iso
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When the program has loaded and you have gone thorugh the options to load/
save the gam,choosing the number of players and selecting your teams you get
to choose the engine screen. Here you must choose your engine for the season
Engine choice
Do not over spend when choosing here because you have other things to buy
later.(tyres etc)
You start with 1,000,000 pounds but as a general rule don`t spend more than
60% of this on an engine. If you attempt to spend too much your financial
advisor will preveny you.
Main menu
Here are the options on the main menu-:
a)Weather b)Cars c)Drivers
d)Championship e)Track details f)Records
g)Stats h)Race
a)Weather: this tells you the temperature and the weather conditions that
the racewill begin with,thren followed on by a full weather forecast. This
shows the current weather details together with the forecast details. Also
shown is the race state i.e whether the race is a wet race(more than half
the cars on wet tyres),mixed race(more than half the cars on intermediate)
or dry and so on.
b)Cars:the screen is split into two the top half for the first car and the
bottom half for the second. Clicking on the small white boxes next to the
tyres will bring you to the tyre section as goes for engine,wing,crew,
etc.if you click on the tyre or wing settings boxes with the right mouse
button the setting will advance by one,so if you have "a"compound tyre
set and you click the right mouse button on the white tyre section box
it will change to "b" and so on.
i)Tyres:this is the most complex to understand,so if you can grasp this
part of the game it will be more enjoyable here are the tyre conditions
Thunderstorm-rain Heavy rain-rain Rain-rain
Drizzle-int(intermediate) Overcast-a Mild-a/b
Sunny-b/c Heatwave-c/d
You should only use the above as a rough guide since other factors such as
the remaining race distance etc will play a part,only experience will allow
you to make the corrct judgement under all circumstances. Your tyre selection
plays a large part in the outcome of the race.
Tyre selections depend on the twistyness of the track,weather,race distance
and pitstops etc!
ii)Engine power: this will determind the power output of your engine.each
1% of power will cost you 100. You are told how much you can afford for
this car and how much you can afford if you split your money for engine
power between both of your cars.
Auto-fill up will increase your engine power to 100% if you can affordd it
else it will goto to enter amount: you enter the percentage you want
increase your power by. The exact engine power is shown to the left of the
iii)Wing setting:for this you have to examine the track diagram and its
statistics. You have to determind how twisty the track is.
Twisty:large (lot of downforce) Average:medium(med down force)
Straight:little (little or no downforce)
There is also a fourth called "extra".providing it is not raining then you
do not need the extra wing. The idea is if it dtars to rain then you will
need more wing (downforce)so if it is raining or or you predict it will
rain then increase the downforce by one.
If in dry conditions you would choose the medium setting whem it is raining
choose the large wing setting for more downforce
If the weather is really bad(heavy rain or thunder storm)then ideally you
should increase the downforce settings by 1 or 2. So from medium wing in the
dry to extra wing if the weather is bad.
Since you can`t change the wing during a race you will have to predidct the
weather for the race.
iv)This option is simular to engine power,but it is for the pit crew of
your whole team so this option works for both drivers.1%increase costs
200. The pit crews skills determinds how quickly you will be able to
complete a pit stop. The lower your crew the lower your chance of a
quick pitstop.
Options i,ii,iii must be chosen for both your cars if you have two drivers
and you wish to enter bth cars
c)Drivers:here you can look at the skill records of both drivers,the other
drivers,and you can buy a new driver or replace one. On this scren you can
see points,skill,race wins and pole a driver has has.
Selecting a new driver,click the right mouse button will bring up a separate
screen showing 4 top ten tables including the the top ten best pitstop times
with are saved to disk,so you should keep you disk write enabled
Click the up arrow on the first driver and the down arrow to change the
second driver. You will be presented with a list of 50 drivers.your current
ones will be highlighted. If you click on the right mouse button on the
driver you are highlighting you will bring up information of his career and
records. You can only buy a team driver that doen`t have a team buy his name
and if you can afford him.
Note:the drivers are roughly sorted into skill order. Best at top left and
and the worst at the bottom right.
d)Championship:this is a run down of both drivers and construction tables
e)Track details:gives a run down of track information as well as track
record holder
f)Records:can only be selected if you have completed a race season. Only the
top 6 finishers in each race.
g)Stats:four tables showing the number of career points of the drivers,the
career race wins,pole positions,and the best pitstop times by human
opponents which are saved to disk.
h)The race:only click on this when you have your car(s) set up and ready to
compete. If there is more than one playing,this will move onto the other
persons team.then it will goto race after the f1 news
News section
Various things will appear,just wait and see!!!!!!
The cards are displayed on the screen in the their qualifying positions,the
top left car being the pole postion.
If your car is not on the grid by car 26 then you have not qualified
The race
Click the left button after seeing the track information and you will see
the acrs lined up on the grid. After a few seconds the lights will turn to
green and the race is on
**If after 1 lap the you hold the left buton for about 1 second when the
information board is being updated or the cars going past,you will be
tacken to the options screen. To get the option screen the pits indicator
in the bottom right hand corner must be red,if the box next to the pits
word is green then hold the buton down again,once the indicator turns red
you will have to wait for that lap to finish and then the option screen
will be displayed
The options screen
Clicking on the race highlights word will toggle the race highlights on/off
with race highlights on you will not see the cars zoom past unless 1 of the
cars is retireing from the race for some reason the car that is retireing
will travel slowly allong the bottom of the track,near the top of the
options screen will be all the drivers for the human controll teams that
are in the race. Next to each driver are 2 coloured bars.the top green bar
being tyre wear and the lower red bar being the tyre grip.the grip bar is
the important one keeping the grip high is vital to keep you car going
at a fast rate. The closer the red grip bar is to the green the better the
choice of tyres you have.
If both bars are equal then you have a too softer tyre on and will wear
quickly.you should aim to keep it between 70% and 90% of the green wear bar
for maximium performance out of the tyres. A pitstop should be considered
when your grip bar falls below 50%,unless you are nearly at the end of a
Next to each driver is a request pitstop box.click on this will call the
into the pits.you can only bring 1 car into the pits per team per lap
Skip race
When selected you will return to the usual race screen with the scoreboard
the cars will not go past at all. Only weather changes will be reported and
the positions will not be updated. The race is still being computed behind
the scenes but at a much faster rate,this option should be considered when
all human controlled cars are out of the race. Holding down the left button
wil exit from this mode.
Note: when on the options screen the game is paused
It is usually adviseable to make a pit stop when either the waether changes
or just before half race distance once you have requseted a pitstop you will
be told who`s coming into the pits and you will given a choice of tyre to
After seeing your car come into the pits you will see a huge picture of a
wheel.you must click at the centre of the wheel as quickly as you can. If you
miss the time it will continue to tick by and you will have to click once
more to reverse the drill,before clicking at the centre again. The time ticks
away at the bottom of the screen in seconds.
A good pitstop will be about 6 secs. You don`t only lose 6 seconds though you
may lose about 16 secs for a 6 second stop due to slowing down and speeding
up in the pit lane.
Race over
You will be told the winner and the pionts awarded are-:
1ST=10 PTS 2ND=6 PTS 3RD=4 PTS
4TH= 3 PTS 5TH=2 PTS 6TH=1 PT
Season over
You will have to get a new tyre,engine contract and pick you drivers again
the drivers are selected by each team depending on points in constructors
championship so the first team has first choice.
If you haven`t made enough money 1,000,000 then you`re sponsors may help you
out. They will only help you out 3 times after that you could br fired!!!!